Healthy salmon recipes

Salmon is a healthy and versatile ingredient that works with different flavour combinations creating endless meal ideas.
Published 8 February 2021 | Updated 25 August 2023
Baked citrus salmon with zucchini salad

Salmon recipe ideas

Salmon is filling, nutritious and high in protein. Salmon is also particularly rich in the omega-3 fatty acids that have been linked to protecting against heart disease and promoting good mental health. Omega-3s also works to help lower your blood pressure and decrease your triglyceride (fat cells in your blood) levels.

How to choose a salmon fillet

Look for fillets with firm and shiny flesh and a fresh aroma.

How long will salmon keep in the fridge?

Keep covered in the fridge for up to 2 days.

Best ways to cook salmon

You can poach, grill, bake, fry or barbecue salmon – make sure salmon is almost or only just cooked so it doesn't dry out. Find more cooking methods below.