Meet WeightWatchers® Member Ambassador Belinda who lost 42kg

Belinda lost 42kg over 27 months. Read her inspiring story about losing the baby weight and how she adapted the WW lifestyle to reach her goal weight during Sydney’s lockdown.
Published 3 April 2022 | Updated 16 June 2023

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Belinda’s WeightWatchers journey

I joined WW in 2019 to develop better routines and create a healthier me. I then went on to lose more than 42kg to achieve my goal weight in just over two years.

I put a lot of weight on while trying to fall pregnant and although I lost some of this during pregnancy due to morning sickness that never left, I put it all back on after the birth. I was recovering from a C-section and getting used to my new role as a mum (and the lack of sleep!), while also supporting my husband, who has Multiple Sclerosis. All this meant that takeaway meals became my saviour at dinner time, and diet soft drinks, chocolate and other sugar-filled foods helped me get through the day.

I really wanted to be healthier and feel more comfortable, and I also wanted to wear clothes I genuinely liked, rather than the limited options in the ‘plus range’. Most of all, I wanted to be a ‘fun mum’ with my newborn daughter as she grew older, one who said yes to playing in the park, not a mum sitting on the sidelines watching.

Member Belinda before and after 42 kg weight loss

Why I chose the WeightWatchers program

I'd had success with WW previously, so I knew it was a program that not only worked for me, but was one that would fit my lifestyle and help me create long term healthy habits, all while being family friendly.

Following the WW program, I have learned how to balance my weekly menu to not only include foods that I enjoy, but also enjoy social events and making memories with my family, without fearing that foods and events will add to my weight or have my eating habits “spiral out of control”.

On WW I have learnt how to balance my food choices, I have a better understanding of portions and foods that keep me fuller for longer. I love that I can now cook recipes using real ingredients, not just a recipe from a jar. I also now have the confidence to modify recipes and customise them so they suit me and my family better.

Exercise is now a part of my weekly routine

It is now part of my routine to do a 5km walk in our local area 4 days a week as I found this was achievable whilst working part time. The route is no longer a flat one, but includes hills while I am still pushing my daughter in the pram (who is now 3 years old and much bigger than a 7 month old baby!) The other 3 days I aim to get my 10,000 steps. If I manage to do another walk on other days, then I count it as a bonus.

I'm more mindful and aware of 'what I do' after being at a celebration or social event. Leading up to these types of occasions I plan my meals and snacks to help create balance. I look for extra ways I can add movement into my week which adds Points to my weekly budget. I also aim to have some rollover Points in my weekly tracker before attending so I can enjoy the foods I love.

I reached my goal weight during COVID lockdown

I’m super proud that during Sydney’s 3 months of COVID lockdown I didn’t lose sight of my goals and I achieved my goal weight!

My best advice is don’t give up anything you don’t want to give up forever, because once you’ve lost the weight those unhealthy habits will sneak back in. So, keep the chocolate and takeaway in your life, but plan your other meals and days around them to create balance.